Hysteroscopy is a procedure that involves inserting a tiny lighted telescope through the vaginal canal into the uterine cavity. This exam helps our doctors check for abnormalities or problems in the uterus (womb).
Choosing Endometrial Ablation
Endometrial ablation is a procedure that destroys (ablates) the inside lining of the uterus (womb) or endometrium. This procedure is used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding such as heavy periods. It is often done with hysteroscopy (insertion of small lighted camera into the womb) or after hysteroscopy has been performed. There are several types of ablation. They all use some type of energy or heat to take out just the inside lining of the uterus. After the procedure, the endometrium (lining) heals by scarring with generally reduces or eliminates a woman’s periods.
One out of every five women report that they have very heavy periods. At SOGA we perform either NovaSure (patient brochure) or Thermachoice (patient brochure) ablations for our patients opting for minimally invasive surgery to control their bleeding. Other options for treating heavy periods include medications and more major surgeries such as hysterectomy. In order to ensure that you have the desired response from your procedure, your SOGA physician (Dr. Anne Doll-Pollard or Dr. Bonnie Gelly) will perform a pre-procedure exam and review all of your options with you. We perform all of our procedures in an outpatient surgery setting in order to ensure that patients are comfortable during the procedure.
Endometrial Ablation FAQs
What will my periods be like after an ablation?
90% of women who have had an ablation report very light periods and up to 50% will not have periods at all.
What is recovery like after an ablation procedure?
We typically suggest patients schedule an ablation near the end of the week so they can be back to work by Monday. Most women need 1-2 days of recovery downtime.
Is there pain after the procedure?
Cramping can be common after an ablation procedure. Your physician will often times prescribe a mild pain medication to be used for a couple of days.
Where does SOGA perform endometrial ablations?
Our SOGA physicians offer ablations at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Breese, St. Joseph’s Hospital in Highland, and HSHS Holy Family in Greenville.
Is MyoSure Right For You?
MyoSure (patient brochure) is a simple procedure that eliminates your fibroids without having to remove or even cut the uterus. Your doctor inserts an instrument into the uterus through the vagina to take out the fibroid. Once the fibroid has been removed, your period should go back to normal. The MyoSure procedure is the ideal treatment option if you are looking to reduce your heavy bleeding caused by polyps or fibroids, while retaining a fully functional uterus.
There are three simple steps to the MyoSure procedure:
Step 1: Your doctor opens your cervix (the opening to the uterus) slightly by passing through the body’s natural openings (i.e., through the vagina) and inserts a slender camera through your cervix and into your uterus, allowing him or her to see inside.
Step 2: Your doctor passes a slender wand through your vagina into your uterus. The side of the wand gently cuts the fibroid or polyp into tiny pieces and suctions the removed tissue through a small open window into the wand and out of your body.
Step 3: Once the fibroid has been taken away, the wand is removed from the uterus. Nothing is left in your body after the procedure.